Collectif bim brings together over twenty performers called “bimers”, all united around the wish to transform our relationship with the places we live in. These places have thus become our playgrounds, in order to create physical and site-specific performances. Halfway between dance and theater, we have developed our very own collective artistic language.
We wish to question and challenge implicit norms, rules and behaviors of everyday life.
We seek beauty that is not or no longer looked at.
We compose pictures that fluctuate between banal and extraordinary.
We try to trigger imagination in everyone.
We twist uses and functions in a quirky, joyful and poetic way.
We aim our non-verbal creations at everyone.
We believe that body language and art of movement help to connect people regardless of their age, beliefs, origins...
We encourage boldness and freedom in everyday places!
Since it was founded in 2013, Collectif bim has led over 70 projects, both in France and abroad. We have been working in various places such as streets, schools, museums, a jail, the woods, streetcar stops, and many more.
An important part of our work deals with participants for workshops or/and performances (children, workers, inhabitants...). We also love to open our practice to different artists/creators (architects, photographs, dancers, landscape designers...) as intertwining disciplines always generates surprises !
© Collectif bim